Sunday, March 11, 2012


Today is a much better day then yesterday. We are both feeling much perkier. Yesterday, it was pity party central around here.

But my mom and I got the girls to the volleyball meeting - I haven't done that since a couple years ago. Carlos has always done it. It was nice to see lots of familiar faces for both teams. Our plan for Daja, and maybe Libby (depends on how she does this season), is to have her play up to the next age group (13-15) after this season then in November have her tryout for club ball. We think she's just that damn good :-) Not biased or anything, but other parents have come up to us and said 'wow, she's great. One of those parents played volleyball in college, so there!

Today, the pity party is over. Carlos and I went walking - to the cafeteria! That's probably the farthest he's gone to date. We sat and chit chatted by the window about volleyball. I signed carlos up as assistant coach with the understanding that health issues may interfere from time to time. Carlos used to be pretty active with girls' volleyball teams but the season or so, has been unable to do anything but watch. My mom will back him up and help out as needed also. Yesterday, while in 'poor me mode, he was unhappy that I had done that. But today, he has a much more positive take on it.

I lobbied for discharge tomorrow but unfortunately it was a no go. They want to get his INR therapeutic prior to discharge and watch him closely for gi bleeding . My logic is such that, he could go home and a week later start bleeding again. He can't stay here forever. Although there are people who have to live here until they get a transplant. But he's not one of them. So I had asked if he could go home and we would come back to the clinic everyday if need be. I tried. So his INR today was 1.5. They increased his coumadin to 10mg for tonight. So maybe by Tuesday, if we are lucky. It sucks cause the kids are on spring break so it really limits my ability to spend time with him. Tomorrow I'm bringing the kids up for a visit. I'll try to get some stuff done around the house otherwise.

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